Monday, February 27, 2012

plok, plok, plok,.. plop! dust, dust,.. plok, plok

Just another day in our lives,.. busy running around non-stop, occasionally falling down and picking ourselves up, only to continue running some more.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2nd Birthday Celebration I

(a delayed post)
Birthday cake with my favourite cartoon character - Mickey Mouse -
and my favourite fruit - strawberry filling
This time next year, I will be celebrating my birthday in school with a lot of new friends!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Breakfast by the river

Burning some calories after breakfast by the river

The birthday boy singer

The birthday boy (me) is performing for my audience. Any encore?

2nd Birthday Celebration II

2 Feb 2012 - I am 2 years old. Cake #2 is a cute teddy bear. Stay tuned for post for an earlier birthday celebration!